Royal Global University conducts purposeful research that advances knowledge and creates positive change. Guided by a strong commitment to the promotion of public good, we, through our research, aspire to understand human conditions and the world around us and employ the knowledge we gain in the service of society. Intensive engagement in research is a core institutional value that permeates the fabric of the University, this involves creating, nurturing and promoting an environment in which people across disciplines work together to solve complex problems.
Dr. Annesha Borah, Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Deptt of Geography, RSEES has recieved 'Scroll of Appreciation' in the year 2021 from Royal Global University in recognition of her praiseworthy research performance in the year 2021. She has got a project entitled 'Current status and Development potential of bamboo industry in Assam' sanctioned from Tripura Bamboo and Cane Development Centre. She also has several research papers in the field of Geography of Tourism and livelihood.
Dr. Bhaskarjyoti Gogoi, Associate Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, RSBSC, has been felicitated in the Faculty Recognition Ceremony of RGU for his remarkable research contribution in the field of Highthroughput virtual drug designing and microbiological research.
Dr. Biswajit Sarma, Associate Professor, RSAPS has been felicitated in the Faculty Recognition Ceremony of RGU for his remarkable contribution in the field of research. His main research work focuses on organic synthesis, medicinal and natural product chemistry. Besides, he has also published various research papers in reputed national and international journals.
Dr. Debajit Borah, Associate Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, RSBSC has been felicitated in the Faculty Recognition Ceremony of RGU for his remarkable research contribution in terms of quality publications in various international journals of repute in the field of Microbiology and Nanotechnology and also for receiving "Idea Innovation Award" from DBT-BIRAC.
Dr. Pallabi Borah from the Department of Environmental Science, RSEES has been felicitated in the RGU's faculty felicitation ceremony for her publication "" A review on environmental and socioeconomic perspectives of the three promising biofuel plants Jatropha curcas, Pongamia pinnata and Mesua ferrea"" in a reputed Scopus journal (Elsevier) ""Biomass and Bioenergy"" with impact factor- 5.774 and cite score- 8.8.
Dr. Siddhartha Narayan Borah, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, RSBSC has been felicitated in the Faculty Recognition Ceremony of RGU for his outstanding research publications in the field of Environmental Biotechnology.
# | FACULTY NAME | School | DESIGNATION | Publications 2021 |
1 | Dr.Mohuya Deb | Royal School of Behavioural & Allied Sciences | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of Journal: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews |
2 | Dr. Hiren Ch. Nath | Royal School of Law & Administration | "Associate Professor, RSLA" | 1) Name of the Journal: Mukt Shabd Journal, Vol X, Issue II,ISSN No: 2347-3150 February-2021 2) Name of the Journal: International Journal of Law,ISSN:2455-2194(With PhD Scholar) 3) Name of the Journal: Space and Culture, India,EISSN:2052-8396(With PhD Scholar) 4) Name of the Journal: International Journal of Engineering, Management and Humanities, Volume 2, Issue 5, PP:186-195, A peer reviewed refereed journal (With PhD Scholar) 5) Book Chapter: Book:Criminal Jurisprudence,Chapter: Shifting of Criminal Liability:An Economic Analysis, Publisher: University Book House |
3 | Dr. Rumi Ahmed | Royal School of Law & Administration | Assistant Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: Amity Law Review, a Journal of Amity Law School, Delhi. 2) Name of the Journal: ILI Law Review 2021(Summer Issue) (A peer Reviewed /Referred Journal) |
4 | Ms.Hiya Das | Royal School of Law & Administration | Assistant Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation 2) Book Chapter: An Analysis on the Need for Protection of Geographical Indications in India, kaziranga printing house Guwahati, 2021,978-81-948413-9-5 |
5 | Ms. Swaswati Borkataki | Royal School of Law & Administration | Assistant Professor | 1) Book Chapter: Positivism and writings in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh: Paradigms and shifts in them, ISBN: 978-93-909372-1-9 |
6 | Prof. (Dr.) K.K.Baruah | Royal School of Bio Sciences | Dean,RSBSC/RSLSC/RSEES | 1) Name of the Journal: Environmental Science , IF 3.3 2) Name of the Journal: Journal of Env. Management. Impact factor 5.6 3) Name of the Jounal: Journal of Cleaner Production with IF 9.297 4) Book Chapter: "Greenhouse Gas Emission from Agriculture & Possible Mitigation Strategies: An Indian Perspective" published in Advances in Environmental Research , Vol 70, Editor Justin A Daniel, publisher "Nova Publisher", ISBN:978-1-53616-971-3. |
7 | Dr.Susmita Paul | Royal School of Bio Sciences | Assistant Professor | 1) Book chapter: " Industrial Perspectives of Fungi", Publisher : Springer Nature is accepted. |
8 | Dr. Siddhartha Narayan Borah | Royal School of Bio Sciences | Assistant Professor | "1) Name of the Journal: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (Impact Factor 4.3) 2) Name of the Journal: Environmental Pollution (JIF: 8.071) 3) Book Chapter: a) Biosurfactants for Enhanced Bioavailability of Micronutrients in Soil (Wiley, 2021) b) Biotechnologically Derived Bioactive Molecules for Skin and Hairâ€Care Application (Wiley, 2021)" |
9 | Dr. Trishnamoni Gautom | Royal School of Bio Sciences | Assistant Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: Mycology, no impact factor |
10 | Dr. Sthiti Porna Dutta | Royal School of Bio Sciences | Asstt. Professor, Bio-Chemistry | "1) Name of the Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES AND RESEARCH 2) Name of the Journal: Microscopy Research & Technique, Wiley, Impact factor:2.117" |
11 | Dr. Taranga J. Baruah | Royal School of Bio Sciences | Asstt. Professor, Bio-Chemistry | 1) Name of the Journal: Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, Impact factor: 1.638 2) Name of the Journal: Two papers in International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research |
12 | Dr. Ranjan Dutta Kalita | Royal School of Bio Sciences | Asstt. Professor, Bio-Technology | 1) Project submitted: Biotechnological interventions in formulation and development of high quality fish feed from available Bioresources of Assam, Funding Agency: Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India |
13 | Dr. Rupesh Kumar | Royal School of Bio Sciences | Asstt. Professor, Bio-Technology | "1) Name of the Journal: Current Sience, I/F: 2.23 2) Project Submitted: “Molecular evaluation of exosomal components for early detection of Cervical and Ovarian Cancer among Tribal population of North-eastern Region of India†Collaboration with Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute, Kolkata and Gauhati Medical College, Guwahati. Funding Agency-Indian council of medical research (ICMR)" |
14 | Dr. Debajit Borah | Royal School of Bio Sciences | Asstt. Professor, Bio-Technology | 1) Project Submitted : Production of commercial grade fruit beer from banana pulp; funding agency: DBT |
15 | Dr. Bhaskarjyoti Gogoi | Royal School of Bio Sciences | Asstt. Professor, Bio-Technology | "1) Name of the Journal: Molecular Diversity/ IF=2.013 2) Name of the Journal: Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics (IF: 3.310) 3) Name of the Journal: Clinical Phytoscience (IF: about to come) 4) Book Chapter: a) Analytics for In Silico Development of Inhibitors from Neem (Azadirachta Indica) Against Pantothenate Synthetase of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Springer Publication, 2021 b) Microbial Biosurfactants and Their Potential Applications: An Overview, Springer Publication, 2021 c) Peptide-drug conjugates in targeted drug delivery to cancer, Elsevier Publication, 2021 5) Project Submitted:Production of commercial grade fruit beer from banana pulp (as Co-PI); Funding Agency: DBT, Govt of India" |
16 | Dr. Niraj Singh | Royal School of Bio Sciences | Asstt. Professor,Micro-Biology | 1) Name of the Journal: Current science,IF- 0.9 2) Book Chapter: a) Microbial biofilms: An optimal for genetic material exchange in a microbiome environment, Publisher: WILEY ( publication date-21/04/2022), Niraj singh( First author & Corresponding author) (Accepted) b) Book name-Interdisciplinary Approaches in Agriculture and Forestry, Chapter: Secondary Metabolites in plants ( Niraj Singh, First and Corresponding Author) |
17 | Dr. Alak Kumar Buragohain | Royal School of Bio Sciences | Chairperson(Academic) | 1) Name of the Journal: Biomolecules |
18 | Dr. Susmita Dey | Royal School of Life Sciences | Asstt. Professor,Zoology | 1) Name of the Journal: Jordan Jornal of Biological Sciences . 2) Book chapter: a) published in "Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior", publisher Springer Nature Switzerland. |
19 | Dr. Mitrajit Deb | Royal School of Life Sciences | Asstt. Professor,Zoology | 1) Book Chapter :Rayan RA, Choudhury M, Chakravorty A, Mehta J, and Deb M. 2021. Climate Change: Impact on Waterborne Infectious Diseases published in Water Conservation in the Era of Global Climate Change. Edited by Thokchom, Qiu, Singh and Iyer, Elsevier Publications, ISBN: 978-0-12-820200-5 2) Paper accepted: Das S, Deb, M et al. 2021. Diversity of spider fauna from Kailasahar district, Tripura, India. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (Accepted) Impact factor- 0.47 |
20 | Dr. Saumitra Sen | Royal School of Hotel Management | Professor and i/c Dean | 1) Book Chapter: a) COVID 19 Pandemic – Its’ Impact and The Road Map Ahead – A Study in Perspective in the Context of India, Bharti Publications,2021978-93-9168118-0, b) Safety & Security Issues - A Vital Aspect of Tourism Sector in India, Himalaya Publishing House, 2021978-93-5495-052-0 2) Conference Paper: 2 papers in NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESUMPTION OF INDIAN TOURISM INDUSTRY |
21 | Mr. Indrajit Dutta | Royal School of Hotel Management | Asstt. Prof | 1) Book Chapter : Responsible Tourism and Sustainability: With Special Reference to Tourist Destinations of East Khasi Hills of Meghalaya, Himalaya Publishing House, 2021,978-93-5495-052-0 2) Conference Paper:NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESUMPTION OF INDIAN TOURISM INDUSTRY |
22 | Mr.Chandan Bezborah | Royal School of Hotel Management | Lecturer | 1) Book Chapter: A Study on the Promotional Strategies of Cultural Tourism in Assam with Special Reference to Bordua Thaan, Himalaya Publishing House, 2021 , 978-93-5495-052-0 2) Conference Paper:NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESUMPTION OF INDIAN TOURISM INDUSTRY |
23 | Dr.Pallavi Borah | Royal School of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Asstt. Prof | 1) Name of the Journal: Biomass & Bioenergy (Impact factor: 5.061) |
24 | Dr. K.K. Baruah | Royal School of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Prof & Dean | "1) Name of the Journal: Journal of Env. Management. Impact factor 5.6 2) Name of the Journal: Journal of Cleaner Production with IF 9.297 3) Name of the Journal: Environmental Science , IF 3.3 status (accepted, in the press) 4) Book Chapter: ""Greenhouse Gas Emission from Agriculture & Possible Mitigation Strategies: An Indian Perspective"" published in Advances in Environmental Research , Vol 70, Editor Justin A Daniel, publisher ""Nova Publisher." |
25 | Dr. Annesha Borah | Royal School of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Asistant Professor | 1) Book Chapter: Revisiting the Glory of Sonitpur District of Assam : A way forward to Heritage Tourism Development in the Area, Published by: Ticol Style Track, ISBN : 978-81-947376-7-4, 2) Project Submitted: Submitted to Tripura Bamboo & Cane Development Centre |
26 | ".Dr. Ranjeeta Kar" | Royal School of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Asstt.Professor | "1) Name of the Journal: Journal Indian Geological Congress, IIT Roorkee, Impact factor- 0.596 2) Project Submitted: a) 'Characterization of Brahmaputra river sand in and around Guwahati and Tezpur, Assam for assessment of its quality as building material and efficiency of hosting valuable heavy minerals for catering to engineering and market demands of Northeast India' Funding Agency- UGC 3) Virtual Workshop: International Virtual Workshop on Global Seismology and Tectonics(IVWGST-2021)(20-30TH September 2021)" |
27 | Dr. Subhashis Debnath | Royal School Of Pharmacy | Associate Prof/Principal i/c | 1) Name of the Journal: Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.(With Student) Impact factor: Nil 2) Book Chapter: Peptide-drug conjugates in targeted drug delivery to cancer, Elsevier,2021,ISBN No: 978-0-12-821712-2 3) Book accepted:Accepted for publication: Aquasomes: A Promising Novel Drug Carrier by Bentham Science Publisher. |
28 | Dr. Bipul Nath | Royal School Of Pharmacy | Assciate Profesor | 1) Name of the Journal: Int. Journal of. Advanced. Research, Impact factor: 0 |
29 | Dr. Atanu Bhattacharjee | Royal School Of Pharmacy | Assciate Profesor | 1) Name of the Journal: a) Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Impact Factor: 0.38. UGC listed and Scopus Indexed Journal Paper b) Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Impact Factor:0 2) Project Submitted: Bio active fractions and marker compounds analysis from selected species of natural flora of North East region of India with prophylactic activity focusing cognitive disorders (Submitted to SERB, New Delhi) Reference no: 422021001022 3) Book Chapter: a) Chapter: Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health: An Under-Realized Sociological Enigma; Book: Sustainability Measures for COVID-19 Pandemic; Publisher: Springer, Singapore, b) Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health: An Under-Realized Sociological Enigma. c)Quercetin for the Experimental Treatment of COVID-19 |
30 | Mr. Pranabesh Sikdar | Royal School Of Pharmacy | Asstt.Prof | 1) Name of the Journal: Journal of Global Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Impact Factor : 0.187 |
31 | Ms. Anju Das | Royal School Of Pharmacy | Asstt.Prof | 1) Name of the Journal: Toxicology Reports - Science Direct, Impact Factor: 2.63 |
32 | Dr.Lopa Das | Royal School of Medial & Allied Scienes | Associate Professor,Physiotherapy | 1) Name of the Journal: International journal for innovative research in multidisciplinary field, volume-7,issue-1, January 2021 |
33 | Prof. (Dr.)Kaberi Saikia | Royal School of Nursing | Principal & Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science |
34 | Ms. Florance H. Rabha | Royal School of Commerce | Head/Assistant Professor | 1) Conference Proceeding: Influence of TV Reality Shows on Viewers: An Analysis- Presented ( Not published) |
35 | Dr. Rahul Chanda | Royal School of Commerce | Asstt.Prof. | 1) Conference Proceeding: International e-Confernce on Media Education & National Education Policy : A trans Diciplinary Global Perspective -- 15th & 16th November 2021 --- Organised by Rajiv Gandhi University organised, Arunachal Pradesh |
36 | Ms. Farha Yasmin Rohman | Royal School of Communications & Media | Trainee Studio i/c,RSCOM | 1) Name of the Journal: Global Media Journal Indian Edition 2)Conference Proceeding :2 Day International Conference on Media Education organised by Department of Communication, Bangalore University on 28-29 December 2020. |
37 | Dr. Mousumi Deka | Royal School of Fine Arts | Asstt.Prof. | 1) Name of the Journal: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Impact factor: 6.64 2)Name of the Journal: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Impact factor: 5.75(With PhD Scholar) 3) Conference Proceedings: Research Paper in the Research Conference of Chitkara University Punjab in Virtual Mode(12-13 Nov,2021) |
38 | Mr. Sumanta Dutta Choudhury | Royal School of Fine Arts | Asstt.Prof. | 1) Name of the Journal: International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, Impact Factor 4.06 |
39 | Ms. Durba Dutta | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: Comed, peer reviewed journal 2) Name of the Journal: International journal of recent academic research. Impact factor: 5.75 3)Name of the Journal: BSSS Journal Of Commerce,ISSN ( print) – 0975-252,E-ISSN -2582-4651,vol . xiii,Issue-I (2021), pg 91-119 4) Conference Proceedings:National conference on Contemporary issues and challenges in Management. 21st September. 3021.RNB global university, Rajasthan 5) Seminar: Two Day National Seminar on ' Impact of Covid -19 pandemic on Human Relations ' organized by Dept. Of Assamese and English, in association with IQAC,Hatichong College,Nagaon.Assam, 4th and 5th September, 2021. |
40 | Dr. Munmi Saikia | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of the Journal:International economics and economic policy( springernature, sjr: 0.39) |
41 | Dr.Jagritee Ghosh | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt. Professor | 1) Book Chapter: Land rights, Identity and Customary Laws Amidst Angami amd Konyak Nagas: A comparative cross referencing |
42 | Dr. Dhiraj Kumar Borkotoky | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt. Professor cum Co-ordinator | 1) Name of the Journal : Indian Journal of Science and Technology,Impact Factor : SJR: 0.60 2) Book Chapter:"The coming of the British and its impact on the local administration in the Khasi Hills" in a book by Springer Nature, 2021 |
43 | Dr. Tabassum Rizvi | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt. Professor cum Co-ordinator | 1) Name of the Journal: Adalya Journal |
44 | Dr. Kaustav Padmapati | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review (AJMRR), 4.0 2) Name of the Journal: Inclusive, Impact Factor : 1.36 |
45 | Dr. Meenu Sarmah | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | "Associate Prof, Pub-Administration" | "1) Name of the Journal: Shodh sanchar Bulletin 2) Name of the Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development, Impact Factor- 4.999 (with student) 3) Name of the Journal: International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Impact Factor- 6.752 (with student) Both journals are International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal papers 4) Conference Proceedings: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN MANAGEMENT, COMMERCE, ECONOMICS and SOCIAL SCIENCES : DISRUPTION AND SUSTAINABILITY UNDER THE NEW NORMAL, Virtual International conference, 28th May, RIMT UNIVERSITY, PUNJAB 5) Book Chapter: a) Title of Book--Paradigm Shifts in Management Practices In the Era of Industry 4.0, chapter--CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE ERA OF INDUSTRY 4.0 Archers and Elevators Publishing House First Edition 2021 b) IMPACT OF PANDEMIC IN INDIA:AN ANALYSIS OF INDUSTRIAL SECTOR, REDSHINE PUBLICATION ,2021, c) CHALLENGES TO SUSTAINABLE URBANIZATION:A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DELHI AND GUWAHATI, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN:978-620-4-20148-1" |
46 | Dr. Susmita Hazarika | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt.Prof. III cum Cordinator | 1) Name of the Journal: "AITIHYA-THE HERITAGE, Vol. XII, Issue-1, 2021 ISSN 2229-5399, 2) Name of the Journal: Sampriti, A Double Blind Peer Reviewed National Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2454-3837 |
47 | Dr. Jahnu Bharadwaj | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of the Jopurnal: Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group, 2) Book Chapter: Mahatma Gandhi and the Labour Question in Colonial Assam-----Gandhian ideas and Principles----A peer reviewed book |
48 | Dr. Mitali Kalita | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: Sampriti, volume VII, Issue I, March, 2021, ISSN:2454-3837 |
49 | Ms. Tanzim Masud | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt.Prof. | 1) Name of the Journal: Inclusive 2) Name of the Journal: Global Media Journal - Indian Edition |
50 | Dr. Priyanka Patowari | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt.Prof. | "1) Book Title: Child Marriage in Assam Year of Publication: 2021 Publisher: Manak Publications Author: Priyanka Patowari, Ratna Huirem, Kathiresan Loganathan,ISBN: 978-93-91897-05-5" |
51 | Ms. Joyeeta Bhattacharjee | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt.Prof. | 1) Name of the Journal: Women in Today's World |
52 | Dr. Baishalee Rajkhowa | Royal School of Languages | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: International Journal of Linguistics, Literature & Translation |
53 | Ms. Banani Das Hazarika | Royal School of Languages | Asstt. Professor | "1) Name of the Journal: International Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts International Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal (Impact factor - 7.97)(With Student)" |
54 | Dr. Pronami Bhatacharyya | Royal School of Languages | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: Dibrugarh University Journal of English Studies |
55 | Dr. Stuti Goswami | Royal School of Languages | Asstt. Professor | 1 Paper and 2 Book Chapter |
56 | Dr. Jasmine A. Choudhury (PT) | Royal School of Languages | "Asstt. Professor " | 1) Name of the Journal: The Critical Endeavour |
57 | Dr. Rahul Nandi | Royal School of Buisness | Asstt. Professor & Dy COE i/c | 1) Project Submitted: Proposal for FDP, Submitted to AICTE. |
58 | Dr. Tarak Paul | Royal School of Buisness | Asstt.Prof,RSB | 1) Project Submitted: Internationalization of Higher Education in North East India:Approches to Attain Global Competencies, under research proposal scheme-Northeastern region,AICTE |
59 | Dr. Arpee Saikia | Royal School of Buisness | Asstt.Prof,RSB | 1) Name of the Journal: Global Media Journal-Indian Edition Volume 13 Issue 1; June 2021. ISSN:2249-5835 2) Name of the Journal: The Journal of Oriental Research |
60 | Dr. Payel Chaudhuri | Royal School of Buisness | Asstt. Professor | 1) Conference Proceedings: Two papers in International Management Conference on "Re-Inventing the Future of Work and Business : Challenges, Opportunities and the Path Ahead" , 27-28th February,2021 at KIIT School of Management, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. 2) Seminar: a) Two day National Seminar on Education and Sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges in context to North East India - 9th January,2021, K C Das Commerce College b)Paper presented at National Seminar organised by Dept of Business Administration, Gauhati University |
61 | Ms. Bitopi Gogoi | Royal School of Buisness | Asstt.Prof | "1) Name of the Journal : IITM Journal of Business Studies (JBS) Volume 9, Issue 1 2) Name of the Journal: International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume: 12 Issue: 3" |
62 | Dr. Sudip Chakraborty | Royal School of Commerce | Asstt. Professor & Dean In-charge | 1) Name of the Journal : International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (INDEXED IN SSRN, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, INDIAN JOURNAL.COM) (with student) |
63 | Dr. Aruna Dev Roy | Royal School of Commerce | Asstt. Professor,RSC | 1) Name of the Journal: International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management, ISSN 2395:5252, Vol 3 Issue 3, PP: 484-488, A peer reviewed journal (with students) |
64 | Dr. Rajat Bhattacharjee | Royal School of Commerce | Asstt. Professor,RSC | 1) Name of the Journal: The Orissa Journal of Commerce |
65 | Mr. Rajdeep Nag | Royal School of Commerce | Asstt. Professor | "1) Name of the Journal: 2 papers in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. Impact Factor: 5.75(with students) 2) Name of the Journal: 2 papers in International Journal of all research education and Scientific methods Impact factor 7.429(with students)" |
66 | Dr. Tanima Tarafdar | Royal School of Commerce | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management and Social Science (IJARCMSS), Impact Factor : 5.880 2) Conference Proceedings: 7th International Multidisciplinary E-Conference on " Sustainable Development: Environmental ,Economic and Socio-Cultural Issues & Challenges" 4th September ,2021,organized by IQAC Chandrabhan Sharma College, Mumbai |
67 | Dr. Bidyut J. Kalita | Royal School of Commerce | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: SMS journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation |
68 | Ar. Syed Gufik Hussain | Royal School of Architecture | Asstt. Professor | 1) Consultancy:'As Built Drawings' of Hotel Norphel, Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh- Outsourced consultancy for Ar. Dorjee Wangdi Dewatsang, New Delhi. |
69 | Ar. Vikram Kalita | Royal School of Architecture | "Asstt. Professor, RSA" | |
70 | Ar. Bhola Saha | Royal School of Architecture | Asstt. Professor | 1) Research Project: ENACT: Evaluating the feasibility and efficacy of integrated catchment-scale NAture-based solutions for Climate Change adaptaTion in India. This is a collaborative project of IIT Roorkee and Loughborough University, UK with support from Ar. Bhola Saha as a CO Investigator. |
71 | Ar. Jugal Kishor Devnath | Royal School of Architecture | Assistant Professor | 1) Book Chapter: Inclusivity in Spatial Standards: A Changing Paradigm in Accessibility Scenario. (Presented on 11.02.2021 through online mode at School of Planning and Architecture, Vijawada) |
72 | Ar. Priyanka Saikia | Royal School of Architecture | Assistant Professor | LIEN |
73 | Ar. Partho Gope | Royal School of Architecture | Assistant Professor | LIEN |
74 | Ar. Rishangi Bharadwaj | Royal School of Architecture | Assistant Professor | LIEN |
75 | Ar. Nilakshi Chakravorty | Royal School of Architecture | Assistant Professor | 1) Book Chapter: Impact of Land Stressors on Ecological Significance And Biodiversity of Urban Wetland 2) Conference Proceeding: National Conference on Climate change & Pathways to self-Reliant India- Opportunities & Challenges for sustainable development; Department of Geography-Ubc SAP: DRS-I & FIST supported, Faculty of NAtural Science, JMI, New Delhi:15th-16th March 2021. |
76 | Ar. Pooja Singh | Royal School of Architecture | Assistant Professor | 1) General Article: Illustration( contribution to Map) to Bloomberg LP as part of Bloomberg City Lab’s coronavirus Map project |
77 | Ar. Syed Gufik Hussain | Royal School of Architecture | Asstt. Professor | 1) Consultancy:'As Built Drawings' of Hotel Norphel, Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh- Outsourced consultancy for Ar. Dorjee Wangdi Dewatsang, New Delhi. |
78 | Ar. Vikram Kalita | Royal School of Architecture | "Asstt. Professor, RSA" | |
79 | Ar. Bhola Saha | Royal School of Architecture | Asstt. Professor | 1) Research Project: ENACT: Evaluating the feasibility and efficacy of integrated catchment-scale NAture-based solutions for Climate Change adaptaTion in India. This is a collaborative project of IIT Roorkee and Loughborough University, UK with support from Ar. Bhola Saha as a CO Investigator. |
80 | Ar. Jugal Kishor Devnath | Royal School of Architecture | Assistant Professor | 1) Book Chapter: Inclusivity in Spatial Standards: A Changing Paradigm in Accessibility Scenario. (Presented on 11.02.2021 through online mode at School of Planning and Architecture, Vijawada) |
81 | Ar. Priyanka Saikia | Royal School of Architecture | Assistant Professor | LIEN |
82 | Ar. Partho Gope | Royal School of Architecture | Assistant Professor | LIEN |
83 | Ar. Rishangi Bharadwaj | Royal School of Architecture | Assistant Professor | LIEN |
84 | Ar. Nilakshi Chakravorty | Royal School of Architecture | Assistant Professor | 1) Book Chapter: Impact of Land Stressors on Ecological Significance And Biodiversity of Urban Wetland 2) Conference Proceeding: National Conference on Climate change & Pathways to self-Reliant India- Opportunities & Challenges for sustainable development; Department of Geography-Ubc SAP: DRS-I & FIST supported, Faculty of NAtural Science, JMI, New Delhi:15th-16th March 2021. |
85 | Ar. Pooja Singh | Royal School of Architecture | Assistant Professor | 1) General Article: Illustration( contribution to Map) to Bloomberg LP as part of Bloomberg City Lab’s coronavirus Map project |
86 | Dr. Anuradha Devi | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Dean RSAPS | 1) Name of the Journal: Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology , Impact Factor 6.1 Web of Science , March, 2021 2) Project Submitted: Geospatial Data Management in Identification of Arsenic in Ground waters in Assam submitted to DST. 3) Conference Proceeding : 4th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis and Computation - 2021, organized by the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, JECRC University Jaipur from 5th to 7th August, 2021. |
87 | Dr. Sujata Deb | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt. Professor cum HOD- Physics | 1) Name of the Journal: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Impact factor: 2.478 (2020) |
88 | Dr. Sankar Barman | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt. Professor - Physics | "1) Project submitted: a) Design, Development and Analysis of Solar Assisted Modular Hydrogen Based Cooking/Heating System : Agency :DST b) Demonstration, Training and Dissemination of basic Health Care and Cutting edge technology among the rural masses. Funding agency is DST" |
89 | Dr. Maidul Islam | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt. Professor - Physics | 1) Name of the Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Impact Factor = 2.048 2) Project Submitted : Submitted to SERB |
90 | Dr. Biswajit Sarma | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt. Professor cum HoD,Chemistry | 1) Name of the Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemical Sciences; Impact Factor is 1.130 2) Name of the Journal: Research Journal of Chemical Sciences; Impact Factor: 1.727 3) Name of the Journal: Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment; Impact Factor: 0.26( Scopus indexed Paper) |
91 | Dr. Pubalee Sarmah | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt. Professor - Chemistry | 1) Name of the Journal : Current Nanomaterials (1.07) 2) Project Submitted: Engineering Porous Functional Polymeric Material with High Potential for Water Purification. Submitted in SERB, DST |
92 | Dr.Rajan Kumar | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt. Professor - Chemistry | 1) Name of the Journal: ACS Materiala Au (Accepted) |
93 | Mr. Anup Malakar | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt. Professor - Chemistry | 1) Name of the Journal: Asian Journal of Chemistry |
94 | Dr. Kamal Debnath | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt. Professor cum HoD Mathematics | "1) Name of the Journal: Transient-A Journal of Natural Sciences and Allied Subjects , 2) Book Chapter: a) Hydromagnetic Visco-elastic Boundary Layer Slip Flow and Heat Transfer over a Flat Plate- with research scholar, Springer Publication (June 2021) b) Hydromagnetic Visco-elastic Boundary Layer Flow Past an Exponentially Stretching Sheet with Suction or Blowing- with research scholar, Springer Publication (June 2021)" |
95 | Dr.Anuja Sinha | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | "Asstt. Prof Mathematics" | 1) Name of the Journal: Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science |
96 | Dr.Dhiman Dutta | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | "Asstt. Prof Mathematics" | "1) Name of the Journal:New Mathematics and Natural Computation (NMNC) Impact Factor: 0" |
97 | Dr. Arnab Sarma | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Professor & HOD | 1) Name of Journal: 2 papers in Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology (IF: 5.705) 2)Name of Journal:International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IF: 5.2866)(With Student) 3) Name of Journal: Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International |
98 | Mr. Chandra Upadhyaya | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Asstt. Professor | 1 ) General Article in newspaper:A Letter to the Editor is published on 30/04/2021 in The Assam Tribune. It is located in page 4. |
99 | Mr. Yudhajit Dey | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of Journal:2 papers in International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, I.F: 4.982 (With Students) |
100 | Antara Banerjee | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Asstt. Prof | 1 ) Name of Journal: Springer Nature Singapore, 2) Conference Proceedings: Indian Geotechnical Conference 2019-SVNIT Surat |
101 | Ms. Dimpa Moni Kalita | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Lecturer | 1) Conference Proceedings: International Conference on Smart Technology for Energy, Environment & sustainable Development, 4-5 December, 2020, Nagpur |
102 | Dr. Israfil Hussain | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Asstt. Professor | 1 ) Conference Proceedings:Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies |
103 | Dr. Aniruddha Deka | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Assistant Professor cum HoD | 1 ) Name of Journal : Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection,Taylor and Francis Ltd, Impact Factor:0.76, H-Index: 23 2) Conference Proceedings: International Conference on Advance Education (ICAE-21) |
104 | Ms. Ishita Chakraborty | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Asstt. Professor | 1) Conference Proceedings: First IEEE International Virtual Conference on Computing, Communication and Green Engineering- 2021 (CCGE21) during 23rd -25th September 2021 |
105 | Dr. Hirak Ranjan Das | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Asstt. Professor cum Cordinator | "1) Projects Submitted: a) Proposal for Short Term Training Program (STTP) Title: 3D Printing Technology and its applications in different industries to AICTE. b)Design, Development and Analysis of Solar Assisted Modular Hydrogen Based Cooking/Heating System : Agency :DST, Co-PI c)Demonstration, Training and Dissemination of basic Health Care and Cutting edge technology among the rural masses. Funding agency is DST, CO-PI" |
# | FACULTY NAME | School | DESIGNATION | Publications 2020 |
1 | Dr. Rumi Ahmed | Royal School of Law & Administration | Assistant Professor | 1) Name of Journal: Man & Development Vol XLII No.2/ ISSN 0258-0438 |
2 | Ms.Hiya Das | Royal School of Law & Administration | Assistant Professor | 1) Book Chapter: A Study On The Need For Sustainable Development and Environment Protection in India, Kaziranga Printing House, 2020 |
3 | Dr. Sthiti Porna Dutta | Royal School of Bio- Sciences | Asstt. Professor, Bio-Chemistry | 1) Name of the Journal: Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications (Official Journal Of Society For Science And Nature). IF0:69.SJIF 2020:7.728.ISBN:2321-4007 2) Name of the Journal: International Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Research, (NISCIAR).SJIF Impact Factor:6.64.ISBN:2349-7203. 3) Name of the Journal: International Journal of Recent Academic Research, Vol:2/04, 618-623 (with students) 3) Book Chapter: Two Book Chapter got accepted. 4) Conference Proceeding: National Conference On Recent Developments In Sciences And Scientific Applications 2020 ,Diphu.14th-15th March. |
4 | Dr. Taranga J. Baruah | Royal School of Bio- Sciences | Asstt. Professor, Bio-Chemistry | 1) Name of the Journal: Pharmacognosy Magazine, IF- 1.31, ISSN- 0973-1296 2) Book Chapter: The PI3K Pathway Components and their Role in Lung Cancer: Progression to Therapeutics, 2020 3) Conference Proceeding: International Web Conference on Recent Advances in Science, 30 and 31st July, 2020, online conference |
5 | Dr. Ranjan Dutta Kalita | Royal School of Bio- Sciences | Asstt. Professor, Bio-Technology | 1) Book Chapter: CHARACTERIZATION OF NATURAL PRODUCT COMPOUNDS USING FTIR (FOURIER TRANSFORM INFRARED) SPECTROSCOPY, in Laboratory Techniques in Biological Sciences by 24by7 Publishing, 2020, ISBN: 978-93-90417-82-7 |
6 | Dr. Rupesh Kumar | Royal School of Bio- Sciences | Asstt. Professor, Bio-Technology | 1) Name of the Journal: Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 2) Name of the Journal: SN Applied Science 3)Name of the Journal: Current Science 4) Book Chapters: a) Microbial Biosurfactants and Their Potential Applications: An Overview b) Aquatic Microbial Oxygenic Phototrophs: A Short Treatise on Diverse Applications and the Future Biofuel Scenario" |
7 | Dr. Debajit Borah | Royal School of Bio- Sciences | Asstt. Professor, Bio-Technology | 1) Name of the Journal: Bioremediation Journal, Impact Factor: 1.78 (ISSN: 1547-6529), 2) Name of the Journal: ACS Omega, Impact factor: 2.87 (ISSN: 2470-1343) 3) Name of the Journal: Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, Impact factor: 3.31 (ISSN: 0739-1102) 4) Name of the Journal: Journal of Earth System Science, Impact factor: 1.423 (ISSN: 0253-4126) 5) Name of the Journal: IET Nanobiotechnology, Impact factor: 2.1 (ISSN: 1478-1581) 6) Name of the Journal: SN Applied Sciences (ISSN: 2523-3963) 7) Name of the Journal: Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry (ISSN: 2666-0865) 8) Name of the Journal: Current Science, Impact factor: 0.935 (ISSN: 0011-3891) 9 ) Name of the Journal: Current Science, Impact factor: 0.935 (ISSN: 0011-3891) (With Student) 10) Book Chapter: Microbial biosurfactants: preparation, properties and applications" |
8 | Dr. Bhaskarjyoti Gogoi | Royal School of Bio- Sciences | Asstt. Professor, Bio-Technology | 1) Name of the Journal: Molecular Diversity/ Impact Factor: 2.06/ ISBN No: 1381-1991 2) Name of the Journal: SN Applied Sciences/ Impact Factor: Awaited/ ISBN No: 2523-3963 3) Name of the Journal: Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics/ Impact Factor: 3.310/ ISBN No: 0739-1102 4) Name of the Journal: Current Computer-aided Drug Design/ Impact Factor: 0.935/ ISBN No: 1573-4099 5) Book Chapters: a) 1. Analytics for In Silico Development of Inhibitors from Neem (Azadirachta Indica) Against Pantothenate Synthetase of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis/ Springer/ 2020 b) Microbial biosurfactants: preparation, properties and applications/ Springer/ Accepted for publication" |
9 | Dr. Niraj Singh | Royal School of Bio- Sciences | Asstt. Professor,Micro-Biology | 1) Name of the Journal: Pharmacognosy Magazine, IF- 1.31, ISSN- 0973-1297 2) Conference Proceedings: NAMASTE-2020, 10-12th September , Dehradun, Uttarakhand |
10 | Dr.Anushree Baruah | Royal School of Life Sciences | Asstt. Professor & Coordinator,Botany | 1) Conference Proceedings: STMH-2020, national conference organised by USTM |
11 | Dr. N. Seema Devi | Royal School of Life Sciences | Asstt. Professor,Botany | 1) Name of the Journal: Indian Journal of Hill Farming (NAAS 4.5 ; ISBN No. 0970-6429 |
12 | Dr. Susmita Dey | Royal School of Life Sciences | Asstt. Professor,Zoology | 1) Name of the Journal: Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, IF: 0.47, ISSN: 2307-7166Â Web Link of the Published Paper(accepted) 2) Book Chapter: a) Insect Locomotion, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020 Plant based traditional contraceptive use in India: Safety and regulatory issues. b) Migration. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020." |
13 | Dr. Mitrajit Deb | Royal School of Life Sciences | Asstt. Professor,Zoology | 1)Workshop cum Training: International Workshop cum Training on ‘Green Growth Strategies for Climate Resilience and DRR: Policies, Pathways and Tools’ held during 26-28 Nov 2020, ISEC, Bangalore & NIDM, Delhi |
14 | Dr. Saumitra Sen | Royal School of Hotel Management | Professor and i/c Dean | 1) Name of the Journal: Environmental Degradation and Sustainable Development, ISBN 978-93-88865-51-7 2) Name of the Jounal: Gender and Development, ISBN 81-8324-965-5 |
15 | Mr. Indrajit Dutta | Royal School of Hotel Management | Asstt. Prof | 1) Name of the Journal : Environmental Degradation and Sustainable Development, ISBN 978-93-88865-51-7 2) Conference Proceedings : Impact of Covi-19: A Global Challenge, 29th ,30th & 31st July 2020, Gossaigaon College, Assam. |
16 | Dr. Keemee Das | Royal School of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Asistant Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: Space and culture India, ISSN 2052-8396 (Online) 2) Name of the Journal : Scientific data,Impact factor 4.17 3) Conference Proceedings: May 20-22, 2019 at Shillong,(accepted)" |
17 | Dr. Annesha Borah | Royal School of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Asistant Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Cosmos Impact factor: 4.236 2) Name of the Journal: Thematic Journal of Geography Cosmos Impact factor: 5.255" |
18 | ".Dr. Ranjeeta Kar" | Royal School of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Asstt.Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology, Impact Factor-6.929 2) Name of the Journal: Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Impact Factor- 5.87" |
19 | Dr. Subhashis Debnath | Royal School of Pharmacy | Associate Prof/Principal i/c | 1) Name of the Journal: 1. Pharma Times. Impact Factor:0.2 ISSN: 0031-6849 2) Name of the Journal: Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology , Impact Factor: 0.41,ISSN: 0974-3618 3) Name of the Journal: Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Impact Factor: Nil ISSN: 2231–5683 4) Name of the Journal: Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. Impact Factor: Nil ISSN:2231–5705 5) Name of the Journal:Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Impact Factor: Nil ISSN:2231–5640 6) Books: a) Solid Dispersion of Dronedarone HCl for Better Dissolution Profile, ISBN: 978-620-2-51520-7, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2020 b) Book: Novel Drug Delivery Systems, ISBN:978-93-90437-33-7, Nirali Prakashan, 2020 7) Book Chapter: Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles Using Herbal Extract. Book: Herbal Medicine in India , Springer Nature Singapore, ISBN: 978-981-13-7247-6. 2019 8) Conference Proceedings: AICTE Sponsored “INTERNATIONAL E- CONFERENCE ON PHARMACY PRACTICE AND THERAPEUTICS†19th & 20th August, 2020, Organised by: NIRMALA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, Andhra Pradesh and Wilkes University, USA and Myongji University, South Korea." |
20 | Dr. Bipul Nath | Royal School of Pharmacy | Assciate Profesor | 2nd Annual Convention of North East (India) Academy of Science and Technology (NEAST) & International Seminar on Recent Advances in Science and Technology (IRSRAST) during 16th–18th November 2020 (Virtual) organized by NEAST, Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004, Mizoram (India) |
21 | Dr. Atanu Bhattacharjee | Royal School of Pharmacy | Assciate Profesor | 1) Seminar: 2nd Annual Convention of North East (India) Academy of Science and Technology (NEAST) & International Seminar on Recent Advances in Science and Technology (IRSRAST) during 16th–18th November 2020 (Virtual) organized by NEAST, Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004, Mizoram (India) |
22 | Ms. Runa Chakraborty | Royal School of Pharmacy | Teaching Assistant | 1) Name of the Journal : Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, ISSN no- 2231-5713 (online), 2231-5705 (print) |
23 | Dr. Abhishek Das | Royal School of Medical & Allied Sciences | Assistant Professor,Physiotherapy | 1) Name of the Journal: JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES, VOL. 26 NO. 6 |
24 | Dr. Rahul Chanda | Royal School of Communication & Media | Asstt.Prof. | 1) International Journal of research and analytical reviews (Impact factor - 5.75) ISSN 2349-5138 2) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research – peer reviewed journal – not UGC care( With Student) |
25 | Ms. Farha Yasmin Rohman | Royal School of Communication & Media | Trainee Studio i/c,RSCOM | Young women generating fake identities in the virtue of self-objectification |
26 | Dr. Kaustav Padmapati | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: Journal of Information and Computational Science, ISSN No: 1548 - 7741 2) Book Chapter: Article “ One Belt, One Road: China’s Strategy for an Asian Century†in the edited book by Dr. Naser Raza Khan “ India and the Silk Road – Exploring Current Opportunities, Primus Book, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-5290-722-9. |
27 | Dr. Meenu Sarmah | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | "Associate Prof, Pub-Administration" | 1) Name of the Journal : Our Heritage 2) Name of the Journal: South Asian Journal of Humanities and social sciences 3) Book Chapter : COVID-19: Comparison between the Measures taken by the Government of India and the Governments of other countries, 51-68 Title of Book - Coronavirus in India:Implications, Impact & Immediate Action 4) Book Chapter : Role of Police and Administrative Staff during Lockdown in India: A Study of Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Assam States, 193-215 Title of Book - Impact of COVID-19 & Pandemic Lockdown in India: Ramification in Environment and Human Life. Edited Book, June 2020, Eureka Publications |
28 | Dr. Jahnu Bharadwaj | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt. Professor | 1 Paper |
29 | Dr. Mitali Kalita | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt. Professor | 1 Book Chapter |
30 | Dr. Priyanka Patowari | Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences | Asstt.Prof. |
Journals A researcharticle titled “Oral Literature: The Need to Preserve the Social Values and Cultural Aspects”, ISBN: 978-81-931548-0-9 published by IQAC, Sonapur College, Sonapur, Assam. (September: 2019) A researcharticle titled “The Fairer Sex and Human Rights:A Review” publishedin Handbook of UGC Sponsored Career Oriented Programme on Human Rights & Duties by Jawaharlal Nehru College, Boko, with ISBN 978-81-924398-3-9. (September, 2017) A researcharticle titled “The Becomingof a ‘Bride’: Compelling Circumstances and Complexities” in Social Work Journal, Volume 9 (2), a peer reviewed bi-annual journal by Assam University, Department of Social Work with ISSN 0976-5484. (December, 2018) A research article titled “The Paradoxical Problem of Child Marriage in India” in Social Work Journal, Volume 10 (1), a peer reviewed bi-annual journal by Assam University, Department of Social Work with ISSN 0976-5484. (June, 2019) A research article titled “Feminist Standpoint theory and its importance in feminist research” in Journal of Social Work Education and Practice, Volume 5 (2), an international peer reviewed open access social work journal published by Social Workers in India Forum with ISSN 2456-2068. (April, 2020) A research article titled “The Suffering of Homeless Women in Covid Times” in Pax Lumina, published by the Loyola Institute of Peace and International Relations. (September 2020) A researcharticle titled “Mimesis of Female Sexualityin Popular Culture” in Towards Excellence, Volume 14 (1), an indexed referred & peer-reviewed journal on higher education published by UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Gujarat University with ISSN 0974-035X. (March 2022) Book A book titled “Exploring the obscurities of Child Marriage in Assam: A Feminist Standpoint Perspective” published by Manak Publications, New Delhi with ISBN 978-93-91897-05-5. (2021) Book Chapter A book chapter in the book India@ 75: Policy, Government and Development edited by Kedilezo Kikhi, M.Amarjeet Singh and K.Jose SVD published by Global Publishing House (India) with ISBN 978-93-95606-03-5 (2022) Research Project Principal Investigator for a Need Assessment Survey (NAS) in nearby villages of NTPC Bongaigaon situated in Kokrajhar District of BTC, Assam. The survey is a part of the CSR-Community Development Programme of NTPC-Bongaigaon funded by Grant Thornton Bharat LLP. Membership Life Membership of National Association of Professional Social Workers in India (NAPSWI)_Membership No: NAPSWI/AS/LIFE/21560 |
31 | Dr. Baishalee Rajkhowa | Royal School of Languages | Asstt. Professor | Usage of the Assamese Language in Assam: Dialectal Varieties vis-Ã -vis the Standard Language |
32 | Dr. Pronami Bhatacharyya | Royal School of Languages | Asstt. Professor | 1 Paper |
33 | Dr. Stuti Goswami | Royal School of Languages | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: Prakash December issue, ISSN 2279-0683 2) Book Chapter: a) ""Bharatiya Sishu Sahityar keitiman Janapriyo Saritro"" in Introductory volume to the 41 volume anthology of children's literature, Publisher: KKHSOU Year: 2020 (ISBN 978-93-89559-62-0) b) ""What Lies Over Here"" translation of Assamese short story ""Eipine Ki Ase"" by Sanjib Pol Deka published in ""How to Tell the Story of an Insurgency:Fifteen Tales from Assam"" by Aruni Kashyap, Publisher: HarperCollins, Year: 2020 (ISBN-10 : 9353576520) c) ""The Future of Man"" essay by Diganta Oza translated from Assamese by Stuti Goswami, eds Pradip Acharya & Meenaxi Barkotoki, Publisher: Papyrus Forthcoming (December 2020/January 2021) d) ""Into the World of Myth:retelling or Rereading?"" essay in the book ""Female Author-ity"" ed Pori Hiloidari, Publisher: Papyrus Forthcoming (January/February 2021)" |
34 | Dr. Jasmine A. Choudhury (PT) | Royal School of Languages | "Asstt. Professor " | 1) Name of the Journal: The Atlantic Critical Review. ISSN no. Q972-6373 (Indexed in MLA Directory of Periodicals) 2) Book Chapter: a) The Black Woman on a quest for Identity and self in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple published in Macaulay’s Ghost: English Studies in a Postglobalized World. ISBN: 978-93-81287-99-6 Eds. Dipendu Das and Jaydeep Chakrabarty, published by Papyrus, Guwahati, 2018. 3) Conference Proceedings: International Conference on Contemporary English Studies: Society, Culture and Language, 06-08 March, 2013, organized by the Department of English and Forum for English Studies. |
35 | Dr. Tarak Paul | Royal School of Buisness | Asstt.Prof,RSB | 1) Conference Proceedings: International Conference on 'Emerging Opportunities and Challenges in Indian Economy, Mumbai, 18th Oct 2020 (Online) |
36 | Dr. Arpee Saikia | Royal School of Buisness | Asstt.Prof,RSB | 1)Name of the Journal: IJEDR ISSN 2321-9939. 2) Name of the Journal: International research journal of Commerce,Arts and Science ISSN 2319-9202 VOL 11,ISSUE 8, 3)Conference Proceedings: International Virtual Conference IDENTITY: MYTHS, MEMORIES, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL NARRATIVES 29th Nov 2020" |
37 | Mr. Bipllob Roy | Royal School of Buisness | Asstt. Professor | 1) Conference Proceeding: Sustainable Business Model Innovation and Management Practices: Priorities and Perspectives, March 26-27, Assam University, Silchar |
38 | Dr. Payel Chaudhuri | Royal School of Buisness | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research . 2) Book Chapter: Impact of Ethnic Identity on the Internet Usage Behaviour- Special Reference to the Different Ethnic Groups of India - BLOOMSBURY PUBLISHERS 3) Conference Proceeding: 1st International Conference on Business Management (ICBM 2020): Industrial Development in the North Eastern Region- challenges and Opportunitiesâ€Â ,  sponsored by the North Eastern Council (NEC), Shillong Under Ministry of DoNER, Govt. of India. Organised by Department of Business Management, Tripura University- on 27-29 February 2020- Received Best Paper Award & Cash Prize of Rs. 10000. |
39 | Ms. Bitopi Gogoi | Royal School of Buisness | Asstt.Prof | 1) Name of the Journal: Proteus Journal, Impact factor- 1.25, ISSN/eISSN: 0889-6348 |
40 | Mr.Rohit Verma | Royal School of Buisness | Assistant Prof,RSB | 1) Conference Proceedings: "Sustainable Business Model Innovation and Management Practices: Priorities & Perspectives" Assam University on 26-27th March, (postponed due to COVID 19) |
41 | Dr. Sudip Chakraborty | Royal Shool of Commerce | Asstt. Professor & Dean In-charge | 1) Name of the Journal: Corporate Governance Insight; eISSN : 2582-0834 2)A study on Coffee Production in Nagaland(Paper with Student) |
42 | Dr. Aruna Dev Roy | Royal Shool of Commerce | Asstt. Professor,RSC | 2 Paper 1)Adaptability to virtual learning environment in higher educational institutions: Teacher's perspective 2)A study on employees Work Life Cycle in an organisation, Managing and enhancing employee performance through motivataion and satisfaction of their needs 2) Book: Marketing Management: A prologue, ISBN 978-93-88435-98-7, Gurucool Publisher, 2020 |
43 | Dr. Rajat Bhattacharjee | Royal Shool of Commerce | Asstt. Professor,RSC | 1) Name of the Journal: Space and Culture, India / ISSN 2052-8396 / Citescore 1.3 |
44 | Mr. Rajdeep Nag | Royal Shool of Commerce | Asstt. Professor | 1 Paper A Study on the prospect of Gaming Cafes in Guwahati City and 2) Book Chapter: Company Law. Gayatri publication Guwahati |
45 | Dr. Bidyut J. Kalita | Royal Shool of Commerce | Asstt. Professor | An Analysis of marketing practices of rubber growers in kamrup district of Assam |
46 | Dr. Anuradha Devi | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Dean RSAPS | 1) Name of the Journal: Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ,1.643, 0378-4754 2) Name of the Journal:International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,0.41, 2005-4238, 3) Name of the Journal:Journal of Critical Reviews, 2394-5125 4) Name of the Journal:International Journal on Emerging Technologies,3.1.0975-8364" |
47 | Dr. Devika Phukan | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Dy. Dean, RSAPS | 1) Conference Proceedings: 2nd Annual convention , North east academy of science and technology (NEAST) and international seminar on recent advances on science and technology. 16th to 18th NOV. 2020(virtual) |
48 | Dr. Maidul Islam | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt. Professor - Physics | 1) Name of the Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America A; I. F = 1.79; ISSN: 1520-853 2) Name of the Journal: Journal of Optics, I. F. = 2.79 ISSN: 2040-8986. 3) Name of the Journal: Optics Communications. I. F. = 2.1" |
49 | Dr. Gitanjal Deka | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt. Professor - Physics | 1) Name of the Journal: ACS photonics, I.F = 7.29 |
50 | Dr.Bornalee Chetia | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt Prof,Physics Department | 1) Name of the Journal : International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences (IJEG), ISSN 2548-0960 |
51 | Dr. Biswajit Sarma | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt. Professor cum HoD,Chemistry | 1)Name of Journal: International journal of Herbal Medicine; Impact Factor: 5.20; ISSN: 2321-2187 |
52 | Dr. Pubalee Sarmah | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt. Professor - Chemistry | 1) Name of Journal: Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, ISBN: 1093-3263, Impact factor:2.079 |
53 | Dr. Kamal Debnath | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt. Professor cum HoD Mathematics | "THERMOPHORESIS AND DIFFUSION THERMO EFFECTS ON SHEAR THICKENNING AND SHEAR THINING CASES OF FLUID MOTION PAST A PERMEABLE SURFACE ISSN (Online) : 2454 -7190" |
54 | Dr. Bimalendu Kalita | Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences | Asstt. Professor - Mathematics | 1) Name of Journal: (Accepted)Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, ISSN: 1857-8365 (printed); 1857-8438 (electronic) |
55 | Dr. Arnab Sarma | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Professor & HOD | 1 ) Seminar: National Seminar cum Exhibition on Earthquake Hazards: Education, Preparedness, Mitigation and Management, (6-8 Feb. 2020), Sponsored by-The Ministry of Earth Sciences Government of India, Venue: NEHU, Shillong |
56 | Mr. Rishikesh Duarah | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Assistant Professor | 1 Behavior of Drift in a Soft Storey Building with Masonry and Steel Bracings |
57 | Ms. Dimpa Moni Kalita | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Lecturer | 1) Seismic analysis of a multi-storied residential building in Northeast India using Staad.Pro 2) Behaviour of soft ground reinforced by CFG piles( Book Chapter) |
58 | Dr. Israfil Hussain | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Asstt. Professor | 1) Name of the Journal: Energies, ISSN 1996-1073, Impact Factor: 2.822 2) Book Chapter: Performance Evaluation of On-Grid Rooftop Solar PV System in GMCH, Guwahati, Assam 2020 |
59 | Dr. Aniruddha Deka | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Assistant Professor cum HoD | 1) Name of the Journal: International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , IF: 3.0 , E-ISBN No: E-ISSN: 2347-2693 Analysis of Emotion Detection Classifier for Development of Text Predictive Model 2. Voice Controlled Wheelchair using Nepali Word 2) Book Chapter: Forced Alignment Method for Detection of Bodo Word Boundary, Publisher : Springer , Year: 2020 3) Conference Proceedings: 3rd International Conference of Innovative Computing and Communication, 21-23 Feb, 2020, Delhi 1. " |
60 | Ms. Ishita Chakraborty | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Asstt. Professor | 1) Book Chapter :a) A simple Optimization Algorithm for IoT Environment, Springer,2020. b)An Optimization Algorithm for IoT Enabling Technology,Springer,2020. 2) Conference Proceedings: a)1st International Conference on “Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energyâ€on 21-23 February 2020 at Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Rayson, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India b) 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN DATA MINING AND INFORMATION SECURITY (IEMIS 2020) held at Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, West Bengal. on 2nd and 4th July, 2020. " |
61 | Mr. Nayan Jyoti Kalita | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Asstt. Professor | 1) Conference Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Computers, Management & Mathematical Sciences (ICCM) 2020, November 22 & 23, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST) |
62 | Mr. Saurabh Sutradhar | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Asstt. Professor cum Co-cordinator | 1 ) Book Chapter : SMART ASTHMA alert using IoT and predicting threshold values using Decision Tree Classifier , 2020 Coothored With Anoop Kumar, Btech CSE student |
63 | Ms. Gitimoni Talukdar | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Asstt Professor,CSE | 1) Book Chapter: Performance Analysis of Nearest Neighbour, K- Nearest Neighbour and Weighted K-Nearest Neighbour for the classification of Alzheimer Disease, Publisher's Name- Springer, Year of publication-2020 2) Conference Proceedings: International Conference on Computing and Communication, 20-21st March 2020, SMIT, Sikkim |
64 | Ms. Ankita Goyal Agarwala | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Asstt Professor | 1) Conference proceedings: 6th International Conference on Computers, Management and Mathematical Sciences (ICCM) 2020, 22nd-23rd November 2020, NERIST |
65 | Mr. Biswajit Choudhury | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Asstt. Professor | 1) Conference Proceedings : 3rd National Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Technology, 17 August -19 August, 2020 Held at Assam Science & Technology University. |
66 | Dr. Hirak Ranjan Das | Royal School of Engineering & Technology | Asstt. Professor cum Cordinator | 1) Name of the Journal: Sensors International (ISSN 2666-3511) A Study on C, H and L Type Prismatic Buildings for Synoptic Wind Flow |
# | School | Department | Faculty Name | Publications |
Royal School of Architecture (RSA) | RSA | Anita P Yammiyavar | 1. Influence of Visual Elements in Building Facades in the Formation of Experiential Perception. 2. Development of a perception based metrics for evaluating building façade aesthetics 1. 7th International Conference on Research Into Design, 9 - 11 January 2019 | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. 2. 53rd International Conference of Architectural Science Association to be organized at Department of Architecture and Planning, IIT Roorkee from 28-30 November 2019 | |
Royal School of Architecture (RSA) | RSA | Ar. Jugal Kishore Devanath | Inclusivity in Indian Spatial Standards - a changing paradigm in Accessibility Scenario 9788190000000 | |
Royal School of Languages (RSL) | English | Dr. Baishalee Rajkhowa | A Study of Integrating ICT tools in the teaching of English Language in Higher Education. Innovative Practices in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation in Higher Education ISBN-978-81-93152-50-6 UGC national Seminar on "Innovative Practices in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation in Higher Education" on 13th & 14th September 2017. | |
Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences (RSHSS) | Royal School of Communications and Media | Farha Yashmin Rohman | Bollywoodisation of Sports in Indian Cinema 5th World Conference on Media and Mass Communication , 3-5th April 2019 , Kuala Lumpur Malaysia | |
Royal School of Mass Communication (RSCOM) | Royal School of Communications and Media | Farha Yashmin Rohman | Bollywoodisation of Sports in Indian Cinema 5th World Conference on Media and Mass Communication, 3-5th April 2019, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia | |
Royal School of Mass Communication (RSCOM) | ROyal School of Communications and Media | Dr. Rupa Rani Sonowal | Identity and Nationalism at the crossroads of Jingoism and Militancy in Indian Cinema: Establishing Khasi Identity through the film 'RI' in Reinventing Nationalism, Secularism and Plurality, Media Discurses and Destruction An overview of Higher Education through Radio Recent Trends in Higher education in India: Issues and Challenges 2018, ISBN: 978-81-244-0512-3 | |
Royal School of Behavioral & Allied Sciences (RSBAS) | Psychology | Mahuya Deb | "Behaviour Technology for Enhancing Adjustment among Fresher Female Hostel Students The International Journal of Indian Psychology, Imapct Factor 4 " | |
Royal School of Mass Communication (RSCOM) | RSCOM | Dr. Rahul Chanda | "Enhancing folk media artists’ livelihood through classroom lectures: An analysis IJRAR (Impact factor - 5.75) " | |
Royal School of Engineering & Technology (RSET) | Civil Engineering | Priyanjit Purkayastha | LAND USE LAND COVER (LULC) CHANGES IN JORHAT TOWN, ASSAM AND ITS IMPACT IN URBAN STORM FLOODING / FUNDING AGENCY: ASTU | |
Royal School of Fine Arts(RSFA) | Fine Arts | Dr. Mousumi Deka | "Book: Temple Sculptures Of Assam, Date of Publication 2017, ISBN: 978-93-85161-56-8 Publisher: Aayu Publication, Delhi / Sculptures of Kamakhya Temple, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013, ISSN 2250-3153, Impact Factor: 6.64, Citation: 3 " | |
Royal School of Engineering & Technology (RSET) | Civil Engineering | YUDHAJIT DEY | "1)Quality Analysis of Ground Water in Greater Guwahati. 2) Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) of Seismically Vulnerable RCC Buildings in Guwahati City. 1) Journal of Civil Engineering & Environmental Technology... Impact Factor: 4.857 2) International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering & Science... Impact Factor:5.8 1)Study of Road Traffic Problems With Reference to Guwahati City. 1) International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering & Science... Impact Factor:5.8 Volume No. 3, Special Issue No.01, September 2015 1)Study on Compressive Strength of Concrete using foundry sand as fine aggregate. 2)Reduction of arsenic concentration in water using locally available materials. 1)2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for sustainable development-Opportunities & Challenges, Assam Engineering College. 2)2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for sustainable development-Opportunities & Challenges, Assam Engineering College. " | |
Royal School of Bio-Sciences (RSBSC) | BIOCHEMISTRY | DR STHITI PORNA DUTTA | Analysis of phenolic and antioxidant properties of locally available medicinal plants from Manipur. National Conference On Bio Exploration For Human Welfare:An Intergrative Approach Held At Assam Down Town University On 8/11/19 | |
Royal School of Engineering & Technology (RSET) | Civil Engineering | Rishikesh Duarah | "Behaviour of Masonry Infilled Walls with RC Frames under In-Plane Loads Internal Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IF 7) Behavior of Drift in a Soft Storey Building with Masonry and Steel Bracings Internal Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IF 7) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429 Volume 8 Issue IX Sep 2020 " | |
Royal School of Applied and Pure Sciences (RSAPS) | Chemistry | Dr. Biswajit Sarma | "1. Study on element content of some antidiabetic medicinal plants grown in North East India by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) and Flame Photometry 2. Evaluation of Hypoglycemic effect of ethanol extract of Musa paradisiaca unripe fruit pulp on normal and alloxan induced diabetic mice. 1. International Journal of ChemTech Research (Impact Factor: 0.47) 2. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (Impact factor: 0.41); SCOPUS Indexed Journal. 1. 2. " | |
Royal School of Travel & Tourism Management (RSTTM) | Travel & Tourism Management | Prof. (Dr.) Soumitra Sen | Obstacles and opportunities for mid segment hotels in tier-II city of Guwahati Research Journal of Social and Life Sciences | |
Royal School of Travel & Tourism Management (RSTTM) | Travel & Tourism Management | Mr. Indrajit Dutta | Hotel Industry facing high Attrition rate, with special reference to Hotels in Shillong and Guwahati Research Journal of Social and Life Sciences | |
Royal School of Travel & Tourism Management (RSTTM) | Travel & Tourism Management | Mr. Indrajit Dutta | Prospect of Medical Tourism in the North East with special reference to Guwahati, Shillong and Imphal AJANTA | |
Royal School of Travel & Tourism Management (RSTTM) | Travel & Tourism Management | Mrs. Annesha Borah | Linking nature and culture for sustainable tourism development: a study of eco-cultural tourism prospects in Northeast Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies | |
Royal School of Travel & Tourism Management (RSTTM) | Travel & tourism Management | Mrs. Annesha Borah | Ex-situ Conservation of Biodiversity through responsible tourism: A study of Eastern Himalaya Botanic Ark Thematic Journal of Geography | |
Royal School of Engineering & Technology (RSET) | Computer Science and Engineering | Aniruddha Deka | "1. DTMF based Railway Inquiry System 2. A New Approach to Design of an Email Classifier 3. A brief review on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology IEEE International Conference on, “Computing for Sustainable Global Developmentâ€, 13th - 15th March, 2019 ,Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi (INDIA) " | |
Royal School of Travel & Tourism Management (RSTTM) | Travel & Tourism Manegement | Mr. Indrajit Dutta | Gender Inequality in the Indian Tourism Hospitality industry: A case study of the North East women Erudition - International Book of Multidisciplinary Studies Volume II Issue I | |
Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences (RSHSS) | Economics | Durba Dutta | Fuel Choice by Tribal Households: An Exploratory Analysis. International journal of Management. Impact Factor..10.1471 Impact of Coronavirus( covid19)pandemic on the education sector of Assam. IntrnationL journal of recent academic research.5.75 Vol 8,issue 1,page 107- 117.Feb,2021. | |
Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences (RSHSS) | History | Dr. Susmita Hazarika | "An Insight into the Formation of the Ancient State of Pragjyotisha-Kamarupa American-Eurasian Network For Scientific Information The Research Journal of social Sciences COSMOS IMPACT FACTOR: 5.250 (2017) Digital Technology: Its Use in the Study of History in Issues in Social Sciences HRDC, Gauhati University ISBN : 978-81-86385-91-3) , 2018, " | |
Royal School of Bio-Sciences (RSBSC) | Microbiology | Dr. Niraj Singh | Ralstonia solanacearum virulence in eggplant seedlings by the leaf-clip inoculation Phytopathology Research( BMC), IF will come very soon | |
Royal School of Applied and Pure Sciences (RSAPS) | PHYSICS | Dr. Sujata Deb | "TWO PAPERS: PAPER-1. TITLE: Effect of self- assembled ZnO2 intermediate layer on the growth of starch capped ZnO/ ZnS core/shell nano composites through chemical bath deposition method. PAPER-2. TITLE: Opto-electronic properties of green synthesized ZnS nanostructures PAPER-1 JOURNAL TITLE : Materials Today: Proceedings Impact factor- 6.83 PAPER-2 JOURNAL TITLE : International Journal of Nanoscience Impact factor- 2 PAPER1: & PAPER-2: DOI: 10.1142/S0219581X17600328 " | |
Royal School of Bio-Sciences (RSBSC) | BIOTECHNOLOGY | DR. RANJAN DUTTA KALITA | "Antimycobacterial Activity Of Essential Oil Linoleic acid and Oleic acid obtained from the Hexane Extract Of The Seeds of Mesua ferrea Linn and their in silico investigation Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources " | |
Royal School of Engineering & Technology (RSET) | Civil Engineering | Antara Banerjee | "Numerical Model and Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridge; SPRINGER ICOVP 2017; 29th November - 2nd December, 2017; IIT Guwahati Impact of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill on Surrounding Environment: A Case Study ; Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering SPRINGER; 0.7% " | |
Royal School of Environmental & Earth Sciences (RSEES) | RSEES | PROF.(DR) K.K. BARUAH | " 1.Bordoloi N., Baruah K.K*. and Thakur A. J. (2018): Effectiveness of plant growth regulators on emission reduction of greenhouse gas (Nitrous oxide): An approach for cleaner environment. Journal of Cleaner Production. 171: 333-344. 2. Gorh D., Baruah K.K*. and Gogoi N. (2018): Analysis of greenhouse gas (Methane and Nitrous oxide) emission and global warming potential from rice fields: with reference to biological mitigation of climate change. Journal of Earth Science & Environmental Studies. 3 (2): 1-13. 88. Sarma D., Baruah K.K.*, Baruah R., Gogoi N., Bora A., Chakraborty S. and Karipot A. (2018): Carbon dioxide, water vapour and energy fluxes over a semi- evergreen forest in Assam, Northeast India. Journal of Earth System Science. 127 (94): 1-13 3. Bordoloi N., Baruah K.K*. and Bhattacharya P. (2019): Impact of nitrogen fertilization on Nitrous oxide emission from a summer rice ecosystem. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2019.1566716 4. Sinha N., Chakraborty S.*, Chattopadhyay R., Goswami B. N., Mohan P. M., Parua D. K., Sarma D., Datye A., Sengupta S., Bera S., Baruah K. K. (2019): Isotopic investigation of the moisture transport processes over the Bay of Bengal. Journal of Hydrology. 2019.100021 5. Sarma D, Baruah K K,*,Chakraborty S., Karipot A and Baruah R, (2019) : Impact of ecosystem respiration on carbon balance in a semi-evergreen forest of Northeast India, Current Science, 116 :751-757 6. Gorh, D, Baruah K.K.* (2019)Estimation of methane and nitrous oxide emission from wet land rice paddies with reference to global warming potential. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer), DOI 10.1007/s11356-019-05026-z | |
Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences (RSHSS) | Public Administration | Dr. Meenu Sharma | "1.Involvement of Rural Masses in Governance: A study of district Sirsa of Haryana,2018 2.Election Commission of India: Challenges and Reforms, 2018 3. POLICE REFORMS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF REFORMS INTRODUCED IN PUNJAB AND HARYANA POLICE IN INDIA, 2019 4. Political Participation and Social Condition of Dalit Women in Haryana, 2019 1.International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts,1702-1706, UGC Listed 2.International Journal of Basic and Applied Research, 220-226,UGC Listed 3. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 973-994, Scopus 4. The Asian Man, 113-115, UGC Listed 1 Bharat evam haryana mein bal sharm unmulan,sangthan evam neetiya, 2019 2. Manav adhikaro ka hanan:Haryana rajya ke Jajhar evam rewari jilon mein bal sharm ka ek adhyayan, 2019 1 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 445-457,UGC 2. European Journal of Business and Social Science, 162-173, UGC Listed 2019,International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews,6,2,445-457 2019,European Journal of Business and Social Science,7,4,162-173 " | |
Royal School of Commerce (RSC) | Commerce | Dr. Bidyut Jyoti Kalita | An analysis of the marketing practices of Jute farmers in Assam International Journal of Management Studies An analysis of marketing practices of rubber growers in Kamrup district of Assam Indian Journal of Applied Research IF 2.165 10 (9), 2249 - 555X An assessment of the Problems of Jute farmers in Assam Emerald Group | |
Royal School of Engineering & Technology (RSET) | Mechanical Engineering | Zunaid Ahmed | Exergy Analysis of a Compression Ignition Engine International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) | |
Royal School of Engineering & Technology (RSET) | Mechanical Engineering | Zunaid Ahmed | Optimizaton of an Organic Rankine cycle in energy recovery from Exhaust of a Diesel Engine International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) | |
Royal School of Engineering & Technology (RSET) | Mechanical Engineering | Zunaid Ahmed | Thermodynamic analysis of combined ORC-VCR powered by waste energy from diesel engine International Journal of Science and Research | |
Royal School of Engineering & Technology (RSET) | Mechanical Engineering | Zunaid Ahmed | Design, fabrication and performance evaluation of an indirect solar dryer for drying agricultural products International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Volume: 04 Issue: 07, July -2017, pp.1684-1692 | |
Royal School of Engineering & Technology (RSET) | Mechanical Engineering | Zunaid Ahmed | Thermodynamics analysis of hybrid solar-biomass power generation system AIP Conference Proceedings, Published Online: 02 April 2019, International Conference on Renewable & Alternate Energy (ICRAE-2018), Assam Science and Technology University (ASTU), Guwahati, Assam, India, December 04-06, 2018 | |
Royal School of Engineering & Technology (RSET) | Mechanical Engineering | Zunaid Ahmed | “Thermodynamic Analysis Of An Organic Rankine Cycle Based Waste Heat Recovery System In Cement Plant†International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR) | |
Royal School of Bio-Sciences (RSBSC) | Biotechnology | Dr. Rupesh Kumar | Can peptide nucleic acid be the future substitute for antibiotics? Can peptide nucleic acid be the future substitute for antibiotics? (0.98) Can peptide nucleic acid be the future substitute for antibiotics? (0.98) CURRENT SC 1766 IENCE, VOL. 117, NO. 11, 10 DECEMBER 2019 | |
Royal School of Bio-Sciences (RSBSC) | Biotechnology | Dr. Debajit Borah | " 1. Das, M., Borah, D., Patowary, K., Borah, M., Khataniar, A., and Kakoti, B.B. (2019): Antimicrobial activity of Silver nanoparticles synthesized by using microbial biosurfactant produced by a newly isolated Bacillus vallismortis MDU6 strain; IET-Nanobiotechnology. 13 (9): 967-973 (Impact factor: 2.1). 2. Kumar, R., Gogoi, B., and Borah, D. (2019): Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA): Can it be the future substitute for antibiotics? Current Science. 117(11): 1766-1767. (Impact factor: 0.935) 3. Chaubey, A., and Borah, D. (2019): Naegleria fowleri (a brain eating amoeba): are we aware of this? Current Science. 117(7): 1125. (Impact factor: 0.935) Chaubey, A., and Borah, D. (2019): Naegleria fowleri (a brain eating amoeba): are we aware of this? Current Science (Impact factor: 0.935) 2019: 117(7): 1125. " | |
Royal School of Bio-Sciences (RSBSC) | Biotechnology | Dr. Bhaskarjyoti Gogoi | "1. Ricinus communis L. fruit extract inhibits migration/invasion, induces apoptosis in breast cancer cells and arrests tumor progression in vivo. 2. Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA): Can it be the future substitute for antibiotics? 1. Scientific Reports (IF: 3.998) 2. Current Science (IF: 0.725) 1., 2. " | |
Royal School of Bio-Sciences (RSBSC) | Microbiology | Dr. Birson Ingti | Distribution of carbapenem resistant Acinetobacter baumannii with blaADC and induction of ADC-30 in response to beta-lactamases anyibiotics | |
Royal School of Humanities & Social Sciences (RSHSS) | Economics | Munmi Saikia | What drives the boom in outward FDI from India? 1.02 Location determinants of Indian multinationals: a multilevel analysis Global Business Review Global Business Review, 21(5) India’s outward foreign direct investment: the home–country economic perspective International Journal of Comparative Management 1 (2), 162-184 Empirical Economics (IF-1.5) |
# | Name & Designation | N | I | P.Nos. |
1 | Prof. (Dr.) Anuradha Devi, Professor & Dean | 1 | 11 | - |
2 | Prof. (Dr.) O.K. Medhi, Professor Emeritus | - | - | 70 |
3 | Prof. (Dr.) Hemanta Kumar Baruah, Professor Emeritus | - | - | 216 |
4 | Prof. (Dr.) Amarendra Rajput, Professor | - | 25 | - |
5 | Dr. Devika Phukan, Associate Professor, HoD (Physics), Dy. Dean, RSAPS | 13 | 10 | - |
6 | Dr. BornaliChetia, Assistant Professor | 2 | 4 | - |
7 | Dr. Gitanjal Deka, Assistant Professor | - | 8 | - |
8 | Dr. Maidul Islam, Assistant Professor | - | 7 | - |
9 | Dr. Sujata Deb, Assistant Professor | - | 5 | - |
10 | Dr. Sankar Barman, Assistant Professor | - | 1 | - |
11 | Prof. (Dr.) O.K. Medhi, Professor Emeritus | - | - | 70 |
12 | Dr. PubaleeSarmah, Assistant Professor, HoD | 1 | 8 | - |
13 | Dr. Biswajit Sarma, Assistant Professor | 1 | 2 | - |
14 | Dr. Debarati Mitra, Assistant Professor | - | 5 | - |
15 | Dr. DebojitSahu, Assistant Professor | - | - | 7 |
16 | Dr. Nabajeet Barman, Assistant Professor, Chemistry | 1 | 8 | - |
17 | Mr. Anup Malakar, Assistant Professor | 0 | 0 | 0 |
18 | Dr. BimalenduKalita, Assistant Professor | 0 | 7 | 0 |
19 | Dr. Kamal Debnath, Assistant Professor | 3 | 11 | 0 |
20 | Dr. Narayan Nayak, Assistant Professor | 0 | 2 | 0 |
21 | Dr. Navalakhi Hazarika Dutta, Assistant Professor | 0 | 5 | 0 |
22 | Dr. Shahzida Begum, Assistant Professor | 1 | 2 | 1 |
23 | Ms. MunmiSaikia, Assistant Professor | 0 | 2 | 0 |
24 | Mr. Neeraj Kumar Paul | 1 | 0 | 0 |
25 | Prof. (Dr.) T. Ashok Kumar, Dean, RSET | 0 | 0 | 21 |
26 | Dr. Uddhav Kumar Bharali | 0 | 0 | 0 |
27 | Prof. (Dr.) Biswajit Banerjee, Professor | 0 | 0 | 6 |
28 | Prof. (Dr.) P.H. Talukdar, Professor | 15 | 82 | 0 |
29 | Prof. (Dr.) Bibha Das Saikia, Professor & Advisor to the dept. | 0 | 0 | 20 |
30 | Prof. (Dr.) Arnab Sarma, M.ASCE, F.IWRS, F.IAH, Professor &HoD | 8 | 9 | 0 |
31 | Ms. Antara Banerjee, Assistant Professor | 0 | 0 | 5 |
32 | Mr. Avishek Chakraborty, Assistant Professor | 0 | 1 | 0 |
33 | Mr. BiplabGogoi, Assistant Professor | 0 | 0 | 0 |
34 | Mr. Chandra Upadhyaya, Assistant Professor | 0 | 0 | 0 |
35 | Ms. Mayuri Deka, Assistant Professor | 5 | 1 | 0 |
36 | Ms. Nitisha Mazumdar, Assistant Professor | 1 | 0 | 0 |
37 | Mr. PriyanjitPurkayastha, Assistant Professor | 1 | 2 | 0 |
38 | Mr. Rajesh Deb – Assistant Professor | 0 | 0 | 0 |
39 | Mr. Rishikesh Duara – Assistant Professor | 0 | 1 | - |
40 | Mr. Siddhartha Kumar Karmakar, Assistant Professor | 0 | 1 | - |
41 | Mr. Yudhajit Dey, Assistant Professor | 1 | 3 | - |
42 | Ms. Gitanjali Deka, Teaching Assistant | 0 | 1 | - |
43 | Dr. Aniruddha Deka, Assistant Professor &HoD | 5 | 14 | - |
44 | Ms. Ankita Goyal Agarwal – Assistant Professor | - | - | 3 |
45 | Ms. Antara Malakar, Assistant Professor | 0 | 2 | - |
46 | Mr. Debashis Dev Misra, Assistant Professor | 0 | 4 | - |
47 | Ms. Gitimoni Talukdar, Assistant Professor | 2 | 3 | - |
48 | Ms. Ishita Chakraborty, Assistant Professor | 1 | 3 | - |
49 | Mr. Nayan Jyoti Kalita, Assistant Professor | 1 | 3 | - |
50 | Mr. Ananya Ranjan Pathak, Assistant Professor | 0 | 1 | 0 |
51 | Mr. Deb Sunder Swami, Assistant Professor | 0 | 1 | 0 |
52 | Mr. Himadri Sekhar Kalita, Assistant Professor | 1 | 0 | 0 |
53 | Ms. Jayeeta Sharma, Assistant Professor | 0 | 1 | - |
54 | Mr. Zunaid Ahmed, Assistant Professor | 1 | 2 | 0 |
55 | Mr. Hirak Ranjan Das, Assistant Professor | 2 | 2 | - |
56 | Mr. Sivaramakrishnan N., Assistant Professor | 1 | 2 | - |
57 | Mr. Soumyabrata Bhattacharjee, Assistant Professor | 0 | 1 | - |
58 | Ms. Vanita Agrawal, Assistant Professor & Advisor to the Deptt. | 0 | 1 | - |
59 | Dr. Israfil Hussain, Assistant Professor &HoD i/c | 0 | 3 | - |
60 | Mr. Kaushik Jyoti Das, Assistant Professor | 0 | 1 | - |
61 | Dr. Ramani Kumar Barman | 0 | 0 | 11 |
62 | Mr. Pranab Kumar Barua | 0 | 0 | 0 |
63 | Dr. TanimaTarafdar* | 0 | 1 | - |
64 | Dr. Vimal Kumar Sharma* | 2 | 8 | - |
65 | Ms. Aruna Deb Rroy | 10 | 6 | - |
66 | Ms. ChinmoyeeBorpujari | - | - | 2 |
67 | Ar. Anita P. Yammiyavar, Principal & Dean | 1 | 3 | - |
68 | Ar. Bhola Saha, Assistant Professor | - | - | 1 |
69 | Ar. Jugal Kishore Debnath, Assistant Professor | - | - | - |
70 | Ar. Rishangi Bharadwaj, Assistant Professor | 3 | - | - |
71 | Ar. Santosh Kaur, Assistant Professor | 1 | - | - |
72 | Ar. ShriparakashSandilya | - | - | 3 |
73 | Dr. Mousumi Deka* | - | - | 36 |
74 | Dr. Mohammed Deluwar Hoque* | - | - | 6 |
75 | Dr. Mousumi Deka, Assistant Professor & Coordinator | - | - | 18 |
76 | Mr. KishanBagdi, Teaching Assistant cum Studio In-charge | 2 | - | - |
77 | Prof. (Dr.) K.K. Baruah, Professor & Dean | 30 | 70 | - |
78 | Dr. Ritusmita Goswami, Assistant Professor & Coordinator | 1 | 17 | - |
79 | Dr. Narayan Chetry, Professor | - | - | 13 |
80 | Dr. Kemee Das, Lecturer/Assistant Professor & Coordinator | - | 8 | - |
81 | Prof. (Dr.) Mina Ram Nath | - | - | 23 |
82 | Dr. Bidisha Sharma, Assistant Professor & Coordinator | 2 | - | - |
83 | Dr. Anushree Baruah, Assistant Professor | - | 4 | - |
84 | Dr. Rinku Moni Kalita, Assistant Professor | - | - | 8 |
85 | Ms. ChayanikaBordoloi, Lecturer | 1 | 6 | - |
86 | Dr. Pompee Chanda, Teaching Assistant cum Lab Superintendent | 1 | 4 | - |
87 | Dr. Susmita Dey, Assistant Professor, Zoology & Coordinator, RSLSC | - | - | - |
88 | Dr. Arijit Chakraborty, Assistant Professor | 7 | 13 | - |
89 | Ms. Dipanneta Das Gupta, Lecturer, Zoology | - | - | - |
90 | Mr. TrinayanBarthakur, Lecturer, Zoology | 0 | 1 | - |
91 | Dr. SthitiPorna Dutta, Assistant Professor, Biochemistry & Coordinator | 1 | 1 | - |
92 | Dr. Vimal Kumar Sharma, Assistant Professor, Biochemistry | 2 | 8 | - |
93 | Dr. Abani Kumar Patar, Lecturer | - | 7 | - |
94 | Mr. Taranga Jyoti Baruah, Lecturer | 0 | 2 | - |
95 | Dr. Ranjan Dutta Kalita, Asst. Professor, Biotechnology, & Coordinator - Biotechnology & Microbiology | 4 | 9 | - |
96 | Dr. BharkarjyotiGogoi, Assistant Professor | 2 | 17 | - |
97 | Dr. Debajit Borah, Assistant Professor | - | 37 | - |
98 | Dr. Rupesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Biotechnology | - | 2 | - |
99 | Dr. BirsonIngti, Assistant Professor | 1 | 9 | - |
100 | Dr. Niraj Singh, Lecturer | - | 4 | - |
101 | Dr. Monalisa Bora Deka* | 3 | 2 | - |
102 | Ms. Pooli Barman, Teaching Assistant cum studio in-charge | 0 | 1 | - |
103 | Dr. Ujwal Bhattacharya, Associate Professor & Coordinator | - | - | 8 |
104 | Prof. (Dr.) GitumoniKonwar, Dean/Principal | 21 | 2 | - |
105 | Ms. Anamita Borah, Tutor/Lecturer | 1 | 1 | - |
106 | Ms. Lipika Hazarika, Tutor/Lecturer | 1 | - | - |
107 | Dr. (Mrs.) S. Rajalakshmi | - | - | 6 |
108 | Dr. Teresa Biswas | - | - | 1 |
109 | Dr. Bipul Nath, Associate Professor | - | - | 10 |
110 | Dr. Subhashis Debnath, Associate Professor | - | - | 22 |
111 | Ms. Runa Chakravorty, Teaching Assistant | 1 | - | - |
112 | Dr. JwmwishreeBoro, Assistant Professor & Coordinator | 2 | - | - |
113 | Ms. Anganabha Baruah, Lecturer | 1 | 2 | - |
114 | Dr. Soumitra Sen, Professor & Dean i/c | 1 | - | - |
115 | Mr. Indrajit Dutta, Assistant Professor | 1 | 1 | - |
116 | Prof. (Dr.) S.P. Singh | - | - | 10 |
117 | Prof. (Dr.) U.R. Dhar, Honorary Adviser | 12 | 15 | - |
118 | Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Jain, Professor & Dy. Dean | 2 | 2 | - |
119 | Dr. Ashutosh Bishnu Murti, Assistant Professor | - | - | 8 |
120 | Dr. Payel Chaudhuri, Assistant Professor | - | - | 7 |
121 | Dr. Rahul Nandi, Assistant Professor | 6 | - | - |
122 | Dr. Tarak Paul, Assistant Professor | 15 | 13 | - |
123 | Ms. ArpeeSaikia, Assistant Professor | - | - | - |
124 | Ms. BitopiGogoi, Assistant Professor | 1 | 3 | - |
125 | Mr. Bipllob Roy, Assistant Professor | 1 | - | - |
126 | Dr. Meenu Sharma, Associate Professor | 7 | 25 | - |
127 | CA. Kamal Mour | - | 1 | - |
128 | Dr. Sudip Chakraborty, Assistant Professor & Dy. Dean i/c | 3 | 3 | - |
129 | Dr. TanimaTarafdar, Assistant Professor | 1 | 1 | - |
130 | Ms. Aruna Dev Rroy, Assistant Professor | 6 | 15 | - |
131 | Mr. Bidyut Jyoti Kalita, Assistant Professor | 4 | 1 | - |
132 | Mr. Rajat Bhattacharjee, Assistant Professor | 0 | 7 | - |
133 | Mr. Rajdeep Nag, Assistant Professor | 1 | 1 | - |
134 | Dr. Dipu Nath Sarma | 1 | 1 | - |
135 | Prof. (Dr.) Pradip Jyoti Mahanta, Dean i/c | 18 | - | - |
136 | Dr. Samuel L. Chuaungo, Assistant Professor & Coordinator | 1 | 3 | - |
137 | Dr. Sangeeta Das, Assistant Professor | 1 | 1 | - |
138 | Ms. Chandreyee Chaudhuri, Assistant Professor | 1 | 1 | - |
139 | Ms. Riju Devi, Assistant Professor | - | - | 1 |
140 | Ms. Prajna Borah, Lecturer | - | - | 2 |
141 | Prof. (Dr.) Swabera Islam, Professor | 9 | - | - |
142 | Dr. Mohammed Deluwar Hoque, Assistant Professor | - | - | 6 |
143 | Dr. Prateeti Barman, Assistant Professor & Coordinator | - | - | 2 |
144 | Dr. Dhiraj Kumar Borkotoky | - | - | 2 |
145 | Dr. Tabassum Rizvi | 3 | - | - |
146 | Dr. ParthaProtimBorthakur | 2 | 1 | - |
147 | Ms. Gitika Borah | - | 1 | - |
148 | Ms. Sampurnaa Bharadwaj | - | - | 2 |
149 | Mr. RandhirGogoi | 1 | 1 | - |
150 | Dr. Susmita Hazarika | 1 | - | - |
151 | Dr. Ambuj Thakur | - | - | 4 |
152 | Dr. Rumi Ahmed | 5 | 1 | - |
153 | Ms. Rituparna Bhattacharjee | - | - | 6 |
154 | Dr. SmitaSarmah | 7 | 1 | - |
155 | Prof. (Dr.) Bhaskar Kumar Chakravarty | 20 | 1 | - |
156 | Ms. Dolly Kumar | 1 | 2 | - |
157 | Dr. Sangeeta Das | 1 | 1 | - |
158 | Ms. Prajna Borah | - | - | 2 |
159 | Dr. Baishalee Rajkhowa | 3 | 6 | - |
160 | Dr. Nilakshi Goswami | 1 | 7 | - |
161 | Prof. (Dr.) Pradip Jyoti Mahanta | 18 | - | - |
162 | Dr. Jasmine A. Choudhury | - | 3 | - |
163 | Dr. Pronami Bhattacharya | 1 | 3 | - |
164 | Ms. Nitusmita Bhattacharyya | - | - | 2 |
165 | Mr. Ananya Ranjan Pathak | - | 1 | - |
166 | Dr. Aniruddha Deka, Assistant Professor &HoD | 5 | 14 | - |
167 | Ms. Ankita Goyal Agarwal – Assistant Professor | - | - | 3 |
168 | Ms. Antara Malakar, Assistant Professor | - | 2 | - |
169 | Mr. Debashis Dev Misra, Assistant Professor | - | 4 | - |
170 | Ms. Gitimoni Talukdar, Assistant Professor | 2 | 3 | - |
171 | Ms. Ishita Chakraborty, Assistant Professor | 1 | 3 | - |
172 | Mr. Nayan Jyoti Kalita, Assistant Professor | 1 | 3 | - |
173 | Dr. Rupa Rani Sonowal, Assistant Professor & Coordinator | - | - | 13 |
174 | Dr. NongmaithemRohinkanta Singh, Associate Professor | - | - | 6 |
175 | Dr. Rahul Chanda, Assistant Professor | - | - | 1 |