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Teaching Practices

The Assam Royal Global University is upgrading its undergraduate programmes in the line of NEP, 2020. Higher education plays an extremely important role in promoting human and societal well-being and in developing India as envisioned in its Constitution - a democratic, just, socially conscious, cultured, and humane nation upholding liberty, equality, fraternity, and justice for all. Higher education significantly contributes towards sustainable livelihoods and economic development of the nation. A holistic and multidisciplinary education would aim to develop all capacities of human beings - intellectual, aesthetic, social, physical, emotional, and moral in an integrated manner. As India moves towards becoming a knowledge economy and society, more and more young Indians are likely to aspire for higher education. NEP aims at making higher education a multidisciplinary learning process. In other words, the curriculum will be flexible, it will allow students to take up creative subject combinations. The new curriculum of different programmes under The Assam Royal Global University will be in line of NEP, 2020 making it more flexible, multi-disciplinary and holistic.

Teaching and Learning Process involves classroom lectures as well as tutorials. It includes:

  • Tutorials to have a closer interaction between the students and the teacher such that each student gets individual attention.
  • Written assignments and projects submission by students for project-based learning
  • Students to be motivated to discover the relevant concepts to take part in discussions and ask questions
  • Homework/assignments to make their concept clear.
  • Quizzes and class tests
  • PPT presentations, Seminars, interactive sessions
  • Co-curricular activity etc.
  • Industrial tours or field visits etc.