By the bank of mighty Brahmaputra And under the shelter of Nilachal There stands the temple of wisdom Royal Global University
In the City of Eastern Light Colours of blue and orange spread insight To dream and walk the way to right Soar in the sky to a new height Shine on Royalites... shine on...
Lighting up the young minds To lead the world with all might Hail Royal Global University Endowing a new sense of curiosity And let the excellence prevail on Shine on Royalites... shine on...
As long as the mighty river flows Citadel of learning will enlighten the globe History will keep echoing the songs of yore With the marks of lives that remain on the shore Shine on Royalites……..shine on….. Shine on Royalites……..shine on….. Shine on Royalites……..shine on….. ……..shine on…….shine on…..shine on……