3-wheeler Electric operated Food-cart
Banana Leaf Cutter
Electric Car
Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India established Institution’s Innovation Council in the year 2018. Different educational institutions in the country are part of this initiative. The motive of this pro- gram is to systematically foster the culture of innovation amongst all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The Assam Royal Global University becomes a part of this initiative in the year 2019 and established the IIC- RGU. The IIC- RGU has achieved 3 Star rating out of 4 Stars in the year 2021 result published by MoE, AICTE. The primary mandate of IIC-RGU is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by supporting them to work with new ideas and transform them. The Royal Innovation Incubator was established in the year 2021 under IIC-RGU. The Managing Director of NRL inaugurated the Royal Innovation Incubator. The focus of the incubator is to create an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship development and create an awareness of IPR activity.
Hot press machine for making plates, bowel from leaves
Eight legged Robot for all terrain
Auto Straw Counting Machine
Octa Copter for Agriculture soil testing
Marker pen with Bamboo and Cane
3D printed key rings representing Assamese Culture
The criteria and job selection process adopted for selection by most companies is as follows:
Received 3 Star rating in the year 2020-2021 by MoE/AICTE.
Received recognition from Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell, Govt. of India.
Received the award for the first position among the Private Universities for innovation at the North-East Research Conclave (NERC) at IITG organized by IIT Guwahati, India, Science, Technology and Climate Change Dept. & Dept. of Education, Govt. of Assam.
The Electric car has demonstrated the concept of an electric car during the exhibition organized by SECOND Society and achieved 2nd prize followed by IITG.
Dr. Hirak Ranjan Das was awarded as Best Mentor award for Innovation at Green Innovation Ecosystem organized by NERAMAC.