RGU organises several events, festivals, webinars, workshops and seminars round the year. You can check details regarding the events in the calendar and also register for the events you want to participate.
Visit to River Cruise Boat at Pandu Airport
Orietation & Orientation program
Travel Agency Personnel Interaction Session
Research Methodology Workshop,quantitative and qualitative
Hotel Visit
All-India Inter-University Baseball (M) Tournament 2022-23
Field Visit
Field trip
World Day of Social Justice
FDP/Workshop on Text Editing tools LATEX
Intra University Tug of War Competition
Science Day
National Science Day
All-India Inter-University Baseball (W) Tournament 2022-23
Science Day
Talk on Civil Service Preparations(by Invited Speakers
Hands on Wokshop on Butterfly and Moth Capture and Study
Visit to Directorate of Sericulture
Field Trip to Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary
Visit to NEHU and demonstration of various facilities available at NEHU
Invited Lecture on Phytoremediation and its future prospects
International Women's Day
Bakery Workshop
Field Trip (2nd, 4th & 8th Sem)
Pi Day
National Seminar
Field Trip (Plasma Research Centre/NESAC
Invited Talk
Inter-Departmental Quiz Competition
Hands on training on: Identification of Aquatic Insects
Talk on career opportunities in the field of Sericulture
Talk on recent advancesin the field of Diabetology
Field Trip to Kaziranga National Park
Hands on Workshop on Popular Science Writing and Communication by Mr. Roopak Goswami
World Wildlife Day
Global Recycling Day
Industrial Visit
International Day of Forests & World Water Day
Women's Day Celebration(Extempore Speech)
World Autism Awareness Day
World Health Day-Talk & Awareness Campaign
Invited Talk
Chemical Awareness
Workshop on Research Methodology
Webinar (Future of Electric vehicle from Indian Prospect)
Invited Talk
Khemia(Chemistry Exhibition & Chemistry Model Competition
FDP/Workshop on Data Analysis
Webinar with Dr.Sudarshan Bhattacharya,Principal Economist,YUBI
Socio-Economic Survey
Brewery Visit
Earth Day
Visit to Central Muga and Eri Research and Training Institute
Inivited Talk on Personality development and career guidance lecture by one of the reputed business development manager who has worked for NSDC
Inter-School (RSHSS) Debate competition
National Seminar
Invited Talk
Students' Presentation on Current Economic Affairs
Invited Talk ( Entrepreneurial Ideas for Mechanical Engineers)
Parent-Teacher Interaction
PRA Workshop and Demo
Grassroot Comics
Invited Talk
Field Trip (2nd and 4th Sem)
Hotel Personnel Interaction Session
Extempore Speech
Seminar Airport Dynamics-ADANI Airport Operations
World Environment Day
Talk on 'Higher Education: Europe vs USA'
Anti-Child Labour Day: Department Street Play Club
International Conference on Applied and Pure Mathematics(ICAPM)
International Conference on Applied and Pure Mathematics(ICAPM)
Faculty Colloquium
Mocktail Session Competition
World Soil Day