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Zoology Lab

The zoology lab has all the necessary infrastructure and equipment to conduct various subject related experiments. The practical sessions help students to comprehend scientific concepts easily. It prepares students to indulge in the emerging fields of zoology. It also focuses on developing students’ practical scientific skills and train them in developing expertise in animal science. The lab is located in block- D in room no- E103 on the second floor.


Included In The Lab Are:

  • High-resolution compound microscope
  • Dissection microscope
  • Microbial hood
  • Double distillation unit
  • Bacteriological hoods
  • Incubators
  • Calorimeter
  • Microtome etc

Lab Activities Includes:

  • Preservation and collection of animal species
  • Dissection of vertebrate and invertebrate animals
  • Studying the general anatomy of animals
  • Identification of embryological slides and embryological stage
  • Application of micro techniques for slide preparation etc