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A Message from the Pro - Vice Chancellor

Pro VC Communique

The Assam Royal Global University is imparting quality education for overall development and transformation of the students. The University provides excellent environment of learning through state of the art modern infrastructure facilities conducive for active learning, enabling systems for transformative experience and progressive academic culture for holistic growth of the learners. The class to campus culture is energetic, reflective and progressive for learners of today to be the leaders of tomorrow. It aspires and inpires students to identify their true and highest potential. Royal Global University believes in skilling and upskilling the students through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach of education. Here students nurture their career path through holistic learning, cross discipline movements, value added courses and an opportunity to learn through buddy mentors.

University objective is not to teach rather make you learn; help you to acquire knowledge and develop wisdom. We at the University believes in active learning where each student is recognised and nurtured through their personalised learning journey. The curriculums are scientifically designed mapping learning with progress, objective with outcomes, attainments with defined goals through robust methodologies and different pedagogical tools. The IT and ICT tools are well integrated for blended learning giving opportunity to the learners for knowledge acquisition, transaction, preservation and dissemination by learned faculty members. RGU ensures that student embark on the journey of academic excellence with values, aptitude and attitude of a true Royalite. Real life immersive workshops, sessions by practicing professionals, learn by shadowing the leaders and extended internships helps you get groomed for industry ready opportunities. We welcome you and extend an invitation for exciting jouurney of learning for life at Royal Global University Campus.

Prof. (Dr.) Rohit Singh
Pro - Vice Chancellor
Royal Global University
